Everything you need to know about the Commission for a Renewed Lutheran Church

The 2022 Churchwide Assembly voted as follows:

“… To direct the Church Council to establish a Commission for a Renewed Lutheran Church comprised of leaders of diverse representation from all three expressions that, working in consultation with the Conference of Bishops and the Church Council, shall reconsider the statements of purpose for each of the expressions of this church, the principles of its organizational structure, and all matters pertaining thereunto, being particularly attentive to our shared commitment to dismantle racism, and will present its findings and recommendations to the 2025 Churchwide Assembly in preparation for a possible reconstituting convention to be called under the rules for a special meeting of the Churchwide Assembly.” [CA22.01.06]

The Commission for a Renewed Lutheran Church is in place and working as directed.

Timeline for CRLC's plan that is currently on ELCA's website:

Learn more about the CRLC’s plan in this Living Lutheran article:

Inside the Commission that could restructure the ELCA

(Download PDF version here)

CRLC Latest Updates:

  • August 9, 2024: 
    • The Why and What Committee presented their work, leading the CRLC in an exercise discussing the definitions of different parts of the ELCA according to the ELCA, Synod, and Congregation Constitutions.
    • The Who Are We Committee led the CRLC in a discussion about constitutional language updates. The committee also presented updates on their examination of the name of our denomination, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
    • The How Are We Governed Committee provided a rough outline of the current governance structures of the church and began discussion by the full CRLC of matters relating to accountability, autonomy versus uniformity, and the need for structural flexibility.
  • August 10, 2024: 
    • The Who Are We Committee presented a draft of a constitutional language update specifically for related institutions, organizations, and ministries (RIOMs).
    • The How Are We Governed Committee presented draft proposals of possible changes to governance structures.

To stay updated with CRLC news on ELCA’s site, click here.

Interested in learning who comprises the CRLC?